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5.6m Followers, 795 Following, 9,657 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Scha Alyahya™ (@schaalyahya). 436.6k Followers, 375 Following, 3,608 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Tom MacDonald (@hangovergang). The 25-year-old posts a steady stream of selfies and memes to Instagram for his 1 million followers, and Lauv even made an Instagram for the real-life Billy, with 23,000 followers and counting.


The main objective of this research is to reveal the meaning and attitudes of victims of body shaming behavior on social media. Body shaming is the behavior of giving negative comments about a person's physical condition. Instagram is the social media most often used by body-shaming actors to carry out their actions. This research is a digital ethnographic study with primary data collection through digital observation, and in-depth interviews with five informants who were selected purposively. The results of this study, in general, encompass the description of three things which are: a) the awareness and experiences of the victim; b) the attitude of the victim; and c) the two ways interactions between the victim and the followers. The interpretation of the body shamming victims reflects body positivity and self-love form of content on their personal Instagram.


Article Details

Fitria, K., & Febrianti, Y. (2020). THE INTERPRETATION AND ATTITUDE OF BODY SHAMING BEHAVIOR ON SOCIAL MEDIA (A DIGITAL ETHNOGRAPHY STUDY ON INSTAGRAM). Diakom : Jurnal Media Dan Komunikasi, 3(1), 12-25. https://doi.org/10.17933/diakom.v3i1.78

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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AWAL, which built a reputation as a safe harbor for independent artists seeking true global reach, is now owned by Sony, the world’s second largest music group.

Sony Music Entertainment has announced that it will acquire Kobalt’s recorded music operations, including AWAL and performance rights collection agency Kobalt Neighbouring Rights.

Together they will become a new division within SME’s suite of independent artist and label services alongside independent distribution company, The Orchard.

Rabi Ul Awal Instagram


“Connecting AWAL with The Orchard rounds out SME’s expanded support and services opportunities for record labels as well as DIY artists,” Sony said in a statement.

Lonny Olinick will remain AWAL’s CEO.

“The AWAL team has futuristically enabled artists to deliver their creative vision since its inception.,” said Olnick. “Now, as part of the global Sony ecosystem, we can dramatically expand on this vision for them. We are also excited to build on our innovative neighboring rights as well as DIY platforms with extended support from The Orchard.”


Awal Instagram Di Indonesia

In making the announcement, Rob Stringer, Chairman, Sony Music Group said, “Our investment in AWAL’s continued growth gives us another level of service to offer the independent music community. With their flexible solutions to building artist careers, together we will offer creators more exciting choices to connect with their audience worldwide.”

Awal Ashaari Instagram

Said Brad Navin, CEO, The Orchard, “The Orchard’s comprehensive offerings, global footprint and technology will contribute to AWAL’s continued success. We will give more artists a transparent, global solution and access to multiple touch points to release their music however they choose.”

RabiAwal Instagram

Kobalt Neighbouring Rights

Kobalt’s Neighbouring Rights division, led by CEO, Ann Tausis, has grown to represent more than 2,000 clients.

Awal Ajak Instagram

With this agreement, SME artists and The Orchard distributed labels will be able to partner with Neighbouring Rights to capitalize on its infrastructure and collection network.